Manage your compliance, aggregate your clients' portfolios and forge closer ties with your clients

Your daily tool for managing your activity with a powerful wealth management CRM system
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Our solution

Aggregate your clients' account positions and perform all management actions in a single tool

Achieve compliance across the entire regulatory pathway

IDD/MiFID II/AML-CFT/obligations connected with a financial investment advisor status

Analyze your portfolios to advise your clients

Performance, diversification, style analysis, etc.

Be more commercially proactive thanks to automatic alerts and notifications

O2S provides the ability to centralise my customer data and to dematerialise their tracking. With the electronic-signature and compliance-tab features, I am confident that I have the necessary monitoring of all pre-contract compliance elements, and also of the whole year-round client update process. I can easily find them in my tracking and EDM tabs.

The synergy with Big means that I don't have to enter data twice in my different applications. This is a key point to free up my time for client support and for the commercial development of my firm.

Yvan Toupet, Wealth Management Expert, Manager at Arborescence Patrimoine, Partner at InComon

The benefits of O2S

Leverage an extensive network of certified partners and the digitization of associated management actions

Access a comprehensive and digital solution that meets all your regulatory needs

Electronically sign all of your documents

A very high level of service and security

Give your clients a 360° view of their assets with MoneyPitch

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Our O2S Clients