Truffle 100 Ranking – Harvest Reaches 49th Place!

We are delighted to be ranked once again within the top 100 French software companies, in 49th place of this 2021 Truffle 100 ranking!

Truffle 100 is an annual benchmark indicator in the field of software publishing. It was created 16 years ago by private equity firm Truffle Capital and research firm Teknowlogy to gain an understanding of the national software publishing industry, analyse its health, its creation of value and jobs, as well as its capacity for innovation.

Truffle 100 underlines the importance of the challenges faced by the software publishing sector, its leading role in French R&D and in Europe. It shows that software companies are, at national level, one of the major innovation growth drivers.

Many thanks to all our wealth management customers who place their trust in us on a daily basis, and to our talented teams!

Access the 2021 Truffle 100 ranking

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