Henri Lejeune, UX/UI Design Manager

Joining Harvest means integrating a growing TechForFin and a team of great talents! Harvest is a company with strong values, commitment, reliability and passion, with a strong customer culture and a most pleasant working atmosphere.




Our values

Be customer obsessed

Make our Customers’ Stories Sucessful
Provide an unrivalled user and customer experience
Raise the Harvest Fidroit Academy
Lead the wealth management

Become a tech company

Extend 100% of our products in Cloud / SaaS
Transition to full API
Provide excellence in availability and reliability
Turn into a innovation and data driven company

Be a desired and joyful company

Attract, welcome and retain talented people
Scale up our agile organisation
Develop our CSR framework
Preserve our unique so special DNA

Titre piliers

Strategic pillars «The spirit of conquest»

Bloc bandeau

Harvest is a French TechForFin of more than 30 years in full development.